Tuesday, August 26, 2014


A little bit about me...

Welcome to my information security blog!

My name is Dana, and I am a graduate student at Bellevue University. I am currently pursuing my Masters degree in Management of Information Systems with a concentration in IT Project Management.

I currently work as a Java developer, and an aspiring project manager. I received my CAPM certification earlier this year, and I am currently leading my first project.

My husband and I enjoy traveling in our free time - earlier this year we went on a three week trip to Europe. I had the pleasure of seeing France, Belgium, England, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Russia, and Germany. I also enjoy making things - sewing, crafts, and even a little bit of DIY home improvement.

A little bit about security...

Security is very important to any computer system, and it is something that every company needs to address in today's world. On this blog, I hope to explore some current issues in information security and their implications.

Data breaches have become a fairly common news story in recent months - I personally have been contacted by several different companies because my information has potentially been compromised. It is hard to say if we will ever be able to fully protect information from unauthorized access; however, there are many things that companies can do to help prevent these breaches from happening.

All companies have undergone increased scrutiny due to these data breaches, which is ultimately good for everyone. It is likely that many companies are spending more money on protecting their information - but this is probably cheaper than the potential cost of a breach happening. Target, for example, is still struggling to recover from the costs associated with the data breach it incurred earlier this year as well as the lost revenue from a decrease in customer confidence.

Hopefully the news stories about data breaches will become fewer and farther between as companies place an increased importance on protecting their data and making sure that it is only accessible by authorized users.

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